Healthy and Soft Glowing Hair!

Yes! Glowing! That is what the mask below will do to your hair. It’s again a very simple do-it-yourself mask for you hair.
















Nothing compares to natural products and natural remedies for our skin and hair beauty. One of the natural hair masks I love is with:


It makes a great mask for all hair types. Apply plain unsweetened yogurt all over your hair and let it work it wonders for about half an hour. Wash out and air dry your hair. Occasionally, let you hair dry naturally without any external heating devices working on it. It keeps the hair healthier longer.

Back to yogurt, it is great for dry hair and also for dandruff. It’s probiotic nature and the richness of protein help with hair growth with regular use. It makes the hair shiny and also makes it knot free.

To make the mask richer, you can also add any of your favorite hair oils to it and leave for a little while longer. As with all hair masks, try to wrap a warm cloth like a turban around the hair. The heat will help the mask work in a deeper way.

And say Hello to gorgeous hair!

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