My skin story

It’s been a long time since I wrote & I have missed writing. I am here to tell you not just about my skin story, but also about why I have not been able to write in such a long time.

To start with I have always managed to have great skin, normal in texture up until I touched being 40 years of age. Never had I ever heard of adult acne inflammation. Up until then, I enjoyed and prided upon the beautiful skin handed down by my mother. But personal stress right around that time gave way to a lot of acne around my jawline and to the sides of my face. A few tests later showed that I have PCOD which was also a cause of all the weight I put on because of the stress. It was a crazy few whirlwind years full of stress. I have now managed to deal with stress, but more on that in another post, another day.


Coming back to my skin, as of now it is dry in texture. To the point that it feels parched if not taken care of, inside & out. I also have sun spots but not major ones. The acne has left back dents and scars that are constantly a struggle to deal with.

For my skin, the key ingredients I look for in products are hyaluronic acid, retinol, Vitamin C, AHA, ceramides, glycolic acid. On the inside, I make sure to take my Omega 3, collagen every day and include lots of fiber in my diet; which also means enough fruits. Oh, how I wish to have had all this knowledge in my 30’s.

Please note that everything I blog about or recommend is what is good/bad for my skin at the moment the blog is published.

Before purchasing anything I recommend, make sure to read this to see how my skin is at this moment. I will update this post as and when there are changes to my skin.

Keep shining 🙂

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